Design and complete robotic and embedded systems solutions that apply to real-world situations and challenges.
Custom Chronograph
This custom chronograph provides a cheaper alternative to modern chronographs, which are commonly used to measure the speed of Nerf darts or Airsoft BBs. To save money, an Arduino and several IR beam break sensors are used, which can still give accurate readings for a fraction of the cost!
Project New Heights!
Project New Heights launched over 800 feet into the air above the Arizona Desert. Such rockets are used all of the time in the real world, both for entertainment purposes and collecting valuable atmospheric data. Project New Heights was equipped with many different sensors to gather data at every point of the flight.
2. Implement a simple microprocessor using digital logic design.
F.L.A.S.H. - Flashing Lights and Sound Housing
F.L.A.S.H. takes a simple Arduino Nano, and uses it to add a bit of customizability to any Nerf or Airsoft blaster. With it, you can add your own lights and sound, down to RGB values and custom sound files!
ST-W48 Blaster
The ST-W48 Nerf blaster uses a simple Arduino Nano to collaborate with Out of Dart's Proton Pack to fire over 18 darts a second! The Nano controls the blaster's functions, and provides an overheat mechanic with a manual charging handle.
3. Demonstrate embedded systems design skills, including, but not limited to, microcontroller selection, schematic design, printed circuit board layout, design for electromagnetic compatibility and design for manufacturing.
F.L.A.S.H. - Flashing Lights and Sound Housing
F.L.A.S.H. takes a simple Arduino Nano, and uses it to add a bit of customizability to any Nerf or Airsoft blaster. Inside the device is a very compact circuit that governs all it's functions. The chassis is also designed to be easily printed, assembled, and could even fit a custom PCB!
Project Wrist Rockets
Project Wrist Rockets uses a small N20 Gear Motor to lift a small rocket launcher. The gauntlet fires 3 small model rockets, all controlled by an Arduino Pro Mini and a muscle sensor! The space available inside is only a couple cubic inches, so carefully designing a circuit was necessary to get it working.
4. Apply knowledge of transducers, actuators and simultaneous hardware and software development in the design of an embedded system.
Meteor 3800 - A Custom Nerf Blaster
The Meteor 3800 uses brushless drone motors and a solenoid to launch foam darts at over 140 feet per second! An Arduino Nano provides the brains for all the electronics inside, which means the blaster is able to support various functions like muzzle lights and select fire.
Project Wrist Rockets
Project Wrist Rockets uses a small N20 Gear Motor to lift a small rocket launcher. The gauntlet fires 3 small model rockets, all controlled by an Arduino Pro Mini and a muscle sensor!
5. Design and analyze real-time embedded systems, including advanced digital logic design, signal processing and high speed digital systems.
Project Pipe Viper Comms Systems
Project Pipe Viper's comms systems used several NRF24L01 Radio Modules. The program involved receiving multiple signals over just a fraction of a second, and getting simple data from it like numbered instructions. By connecting them in sequence, I was able to achieve high speed communications over 1,800 feet away!
Project New Heights!
Project New Heights launched over 800 feet into the air above the Arizona Desert. In order to do so, on board sensors constantly took measurements of the speed and direction of the rocket. This gave the rocket the functionality to deploy it's parachute at the apex of it's flight path.
6. Implement and evaluate algorithms and methods enabling autonomy in a mobile robot.
Maze Solving Robot
This maze solving robot uses an Arduino Uno and 3 ultrasonic sensors to drive all on it's own! It dynamically calculates distance, and uses that information to find it's way to the center of a box, no matter where it starts.
Bridge Building Drone
This is an RMTT drone, capable of being programmed to do many different tasks. With it, I have programmed it to autonomously create a string bridge over a 60ft gap!